You can search name, CAS, EINECS / Organic dyes / Textile dyes / OSTACET BLUE S-G 200


Illustration on polyester fabric


C. I. Disperse Blue 79
CAS No. 3618-72-2
Chemical Class Azodye
Migration 2
Fastness polyester
standard depth 1/25 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/1
Světlo Xenotest 5 5 5 5-6 6
standard depth 1/1
Water 5 5 5
Washing 60°C 5 5 5
Washing 95°C 5 5 5
Sea water 5 5 5
Swimming bath water 5    
Perspiration acid 5 5 5
Perspiration alkaline 5 5 5
Dry heat 180°C 4-5 4-5  
Dry heat 210°C 4 3-4  


Application possibilities
Exhaustion HT dyeing - polyester 
Exhaustion HT dyeing - polyester
Thermosol - polyester 
Thermosol - polyester
Testing methods
Given numbers mean:
1 - very good migration behaviour
2 - good migration behaviour
3 - poor migration behaviour
First number represents the migration without auxiliary second one with  auxiliary agent
Covering of stripeness
1 - excellent
2 - very good
3 - good
4 - poor
Fastness standards
Light Xenotest ISO 105-B02-1994
Water ISO 105-E01-1994
Washing ISO 105-C03-1989
Perspiration ISO 105-E04-1994
Sea water ISO 105-E02-1994
Ironing ISO 105-X11-1994
Rubbing ISO 105-X12-1987
Dry cleaning ISO 105-D01-1993
Swimming bath water ISO 105-E03-1994
Nitrogen oxides ISO 105-G01-1993
Dry heat ISO 105-P01-1993
Fastness data given in the tables mean:
at the lightfastness at other fastness
1 - very poor 1 - poor
2 - poor 2 - moderate
3 - moderate 3 - fairly good
4 - fairly good 4 - good
5 - good 5 - very good
6 - very good
7 - excellent
8 - unsurpassed
At individual fastness data the numbers mean:
First number - change of shade
Second number - staining of undyed adjacent polyamide fabric
Third number - staining of undyed adjacent fabric prescribed by corresponding standard norm
At rubbing fastness the given numbers mean staining on undyed cotton fabric.
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