You can search name, CAS, EINECS / Organic dyes / Textile dyes / SATURN RED F3B 200


Illustration on cotton

0,25 %


0,75 %

C. I. Direct Red 80
C. I. No. 35780
CAS No. 2610-10-8
Chemical Class Azodye
Solubility (g/l at 90°C) 35
Dischargeability neutral/alkaline 3-4/3-4
Coverage dead cotton -
Coverage strippy viscose -
Dyeing at 120°C (30/60 min) -/-


Fastness cotton viscose
standard depth 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/1 2/1 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/1 2/1
Daylight 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 5 3 3-4 4 5 5-6
Light-Xenotest 3 3-4 4-5 5 5 3 3-4 4 4-5 5-6
standard depth 1/1 aftertreated untreated aftertreated untreated
Water 4Bl 4 5 4Bl 2 4 4-5 4-5 5 4 3 4
Washing 40°C 4 3-4 4-5 3 3 4-5 4 4-5 5 4 4 4-5
Washing 60°C 3-4Bl 2 4-5 2-3 1-2 4-5 4 3-4 4-5 3 2 4-5
Domestic laundering A1S 4 4-5 4-5 4 1-2 4-5 4 4-5 4-5 4 1-2 4-5
Perspiration acid 3-4Bl 4-5 5 3YBr 2-3 4-5 4 5 5 3YBr 4 5
Perspiration alkaline 3-4BlD 4-5 4-5 4YBr 2-3 4-5 4 4-5 5 3YBr 4 5


Exhaustion curves
Temperature effect
SATURNOVÁ ČERVEŇ F3B 200 - Vliv teploty
Influence of electrolyte
SATURNOVÁ ČERVEŇ F3B 200 - Vliv elektrolytu


Application possibilities
Exhaustion dyeing 
Exhaustion dyeing
Pad - Jig 
Pad - Jig
Pad - Roll 
Pad - Roll
Pad - Steam 
Pad - Steam
Pad - Batch 
Pad - Batch
suitable  partially suitable  unsuitable
Testing methods

ISO/CD 105 Z07-1993
The values express solubility in grams of dissolved dye in one litre of distilled water at 90°C.

Dischargeability is expressed by the five-member scale where
5 means - the dye is very well dischargeable
4 means - the dye is well dischargeable
3 means - the dye is suitable for coloured discharge
2 means - the dye is poorly dischargeable
1 means - the dye is not dischargeable
The  neutral and alkaline dischargeability of individual brands is assessed  so that the dyed fabric is printed with discharge paste, then dried and  steamed in a high-speed steamer for 7 min. at 100°C.

Dead and unripe cotton covering
The  brands suitable for dead cotton covering are marked +. The coverage can  be improved by the material pre-treatment by means of causticizing or  dyeing at temperatures above 100°C.

Stripy viscose covering
The differences in stripy viscose rayon can be best covered with brands which are marked +.

Dyeing at temperatures above 100°C.
The dyes suitable for  high temperature dyeing are marked +.

Fastness standards

Daylight ISO 105-B01-1994
Light Xenotest ISO 105-B02-1994
Water ISO 105-E01-1994
Washing ISO 105-C01-1989
Perspiration ISO 105-E04-1994
The fastness figures in the tables mean:
fastness to light other fastness properties
1 - very poor 1 - poor
2 - poor 2 - moderate
3 - moderate 3 - fairly good
4 - fairly good 4 - good
5 - good 5 - very good
6 - very good  
7 - excellent  
8 - unsurpassed  
The letters indicate the following changes in shade:
R - redder D - duller
Bl - bluer Br - brighter
Y - yellower S - stronger
G - greener W - weaker
The numbers at individual dye fastness data mean:
First number - change in shade
Second number - staining on the undyed adjacent fabric which is of the same material as the tested sample
Third number - staining on the undyed adjacent fabric

Affinity dependance on the temperature
The  curve shows the dye quantity which exhausts from the bath onto the  fibre after 60 min. of isothermal dyeing with addition 1% soda ash and  20% sodium sulphate calc. at the temperature shown on the horizontal  axis.

Electrolyte influence
The curve  shows the electrolyte concentration influence on dye exhaustion from the  liquor. The values were obtained in the course of 60 min. of dyeing in a  bath containing 1% soda ash and sodium sulphate calc., its quantity is  given on the horizontal axis.

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