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Illustration on unmercerized fabric




C. I. Reactive Blue 19
C. I. No. 61200
CAS No. 2580-78-1
Chemical Class Reactive azodye
Solubility (g/l at 25°C) 160
HT-dyeing of polyester/cotton fibre blends (two-bath dyeing) suitable
Pad-Batch dyeing method suitable
Levelling power good
Washing-off very good


Fastness cotton viscose
standard depth 1/25 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/1 2/1 1/25 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/1 2/1
Light Xenotest 4-5 4-5 5 5-6 6 6-7RD 5 5-6 6 6-7 7 7
standard depth 1/1 1/1
Washing 60°C 4-5 4-5 4-5 4R 4-5 4-5
Washing E2S 95°C 4 4 4 4 4 4
Washing 95°C 4 4 4 4G 4 4-5
Perspiration acid 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 4-5
Perspiration alkaline 4 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 4-5
Peroxide bleaching 4-5 4 4 4 4-5 4-5
Rubbing dry   4-5     4-5  
Swimming pool water 3D     3-4G    
Hot pressing dry immediately 4R     4    
Alkali 4D     4    
Mercerizing 3* 4-5   3-4G 4  
Acetic acid 4 4-5   4 4  


Exhaustion curves
Saturation curve
Exhaustion curve


Application possibilities
Ostazin V - Exhaustion dyeing (a) 
Ostazin V - Exhaustion dyeing
Ostazin V - Exhaustion dyeing (b) 
Ostazin V - Pad Batch
suitable  partially suitable  unsuitable
Testing methods
Evaluated according to ISO 105 ZO9 Ostazin S
  ISO 105 ZO7 Ostazin V a Ryvalon
The number denotes the maximum dye quantity in grams which is dissolved in the given conditions in one litre of distilled water.
Fastness standards
Light Xenotest ISO 105-B02-1994  
Washing ISO 105-C04-1989  
Domestic and commercial laundering ISO 105-C06-1994 test E2S
Perspiration ISO 105-E04-1994  
Peroxide bleaching ISO 105-N02-1993  
Rubbing ISO 105-X12-1993  
Swimming pool water ISO 105 E03-1994  
Hot pressing ISO 105 X11-1994  
Alkali ISO 105 E06-1989  
Mercerizing ISO 105-X04-1994  
Acids ISO 105 E05-1989  
The fastness data given in tables denote:
for light fastness for other fastness data 
1 - very poor 1 - poor
2 - poor 2 - moderate
3 - moderate 3 - good
4 - fairly good 4 - very good
5 - good 5 - excellent
6 - very good
7 - excellent
8 - unsurpassed
The numbers at the individual dye fastness data mean:
First number - change of shade
Second number - staining of the undyed adjacent fabric made of the same material as the tested SAMPLE
Third number - staining of the undyed woolen adjacet fabric
For the fastness to washing at 95°C and fastness to peroxide bleaching the figures have the following meaning:
For dyeing of cotton
First number - change of shade
Second number - staining of the undyed adjacent cotton fabric
Third number - staining on the undyed adjacent viscose fabric
u vybarvení na viskóze
First number - change of shade
Second number - staining on the undyed adjacent viscose fabric
Third number - staining of the undyed adjacent cotton fabric
For fastness in mercerizing asterixat the figure means effect to deeper shade
Saturation and exhaustion curves
Saturation curves express the dyeing saturation in dependence on the increasing dye concentration in the dyebath. From them it is possible to determine the saturation point of the dyestuff, i.e. the maximum effective dye concentration. On the X axis there are assigned the integrated reflectance I values
Where K/S is the Kubelka-Munk equation
β jis surface reflectance
are the colour matching response functions for the D65 light and 10°standard observer
Exhaustion curves were designated from initial concentration of 1/1 standard depth by standard exhaustion method and show the amount of the dye exhausted from the dyebath in dependenc on the dyeing time.
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